Who was Nellie Payne?

Carving tools.

Nellie Payne's carving tools.


With thanks to Penelope Hey.
“Mrs Nellie Payne and Madge lived in Antill Street, South Hobart. Clarice Robertson and her family lived a short distance away on the corner of Davey and Darcy Streets.  They played bridge together, were on the same charitable committees, and visited each other frequently.

I can remember going to visit in Antill St. as a very little girl. The house had the most beautiful antique furniture and we children were encouraged to play outside. On one occasion we were provided with a full-size stock whip and happily spent the afternoon trying to make the whip crack. We failed as I suspect the whip was too long for us, or we were too short for it!

Another time we were sent to play in the back room on a wet day and there were beautiful dolls and an exquisitely carved four poster dolls’ bed. It kept us entertained for that visit – playing with these things. Unfortunately on the next visit I succumbed to the fascination of the woodworking bench and the RAZOR SHARP CHISELS. I can personally attest to the strength in Mrs Payne’s hands as she grabbed my arm and pulled me out of potential harm’s way!”