Honour roll, AMP Ltd. Carved 1919.
As the AMP Society no longer have offices in Hobart, this Honour Roll is now housed at RSL headquarters in New Town.
The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 – 1954), Saturday 2 August 1919, page 5
Excerpt from newspaper article
At the Hobart offices of the AMP Society yesterday an honour roll was unveiled by Sir Elliott Lewis, containing ten names of officers belonging to the Tasmanian Branch of the society, who had served in the war. The role has been artistically carved and ornamented in Tasmanian blackwood by Mrs. Payne (wife of Dr Payne), the lettering and other decorations (including the rising sun over the Imperial Crown) appearing in raised letters and the battalion colours of the different units to which each man was attached are fixed opposite each name, produced by the very effective use of inlaid woods. The A.M.P. letters are also on relievo, and at the base of the roll are the lines from Byron-
“…………………who would be free
Themselves must strike the blow “
The ten names inscribed are -C.H. Elliott, A A Pitt, A C Watkins, KH , R J Todd, FA Rose, ES Cato, A O C Roberts, A B Wilson, and W Inglis.
Sir Elliott Lewis, chairman of the local board of directors of the society, was accompanied by his co-directors, Messrs E H Pearce (deputy chair man) R F Crosby and J H G Murdoch, and there were present members of the society’s , Lieut Colonel Elliott and Mrs Elliott and relatives and friends of the men whose names appeared on the roll.
Mr W Perry Hood the Hobart manager invited Sir Elliott Lewis to perform the unveiling ceremony ………….”