Who was Nellie Payne?

Honour roll, Kimberley. Carved 1919.


The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 – 1954), Tuesday 13 May 1919, page 3

In the presence of a large attendance yesterday afternoon at the local State school a magnificent honour board, bearing the names of those who had enlisted from the district, was unveiled. Amongst those present were the Warden of Kentish (Mr. E. F. Blyth,   M.H.A.). Mr. W. J. Connell, M.H.A., Mr. L. Atkinson, M.H.H., Lieutenant Frank Rowe, Hon. J. Rope, M.L.C., Major Foster, Warden P. H. Gilbert I (Deloraine), and many other leading men of the district. An apology was received from the State Premier.

The board is of light Tasmanian blackwood, and measures 4ft. 6in. by 3ft. It was carved by Mrs. Payne, of Hobart. It is unique in design and magnificent in execution. On the top is carved the British lion, while on the left is Britannia calling for help from her sons across the sea. On the other side is an Australian soldier responding to the appeal, and standing out splendidly in the rays of the rising sun . Above the two is the inscription, “Kimberley Honour Roll of the Great War.” Underneath is beautifully carved “The bugles of the Motherland rang ceaselessly across the sea to call him and his lean, brown band, to shape Imperial destiny.” No distinguishing marks as to rank, etc., are shown on the board. The names are in alphabetical order, numbering 54, and the asterisk indicates those who made the supreme sacrifice. The Warden of Deloraine presided, and after speeches by the Hon. J. Hope, M.L.C., Mr. L. Atkinson, M.U.R., Major Foster, and the Warden of Kentish (Councillor K. F. Blyth), the chairman unveiled the honour roll. During the unveiling those present stood in silence, after which “The Recessional” was sung.

Advocate (Burnie, Tas. : 1890 – 1954), Monday 12 May 1919, page 1