Who was Nellie Payne?

Alms box, St David’s Cathedral, Hobart. Carved 1923.


The Mercury: Monday 26th March 1923, page 4
An alms chest was dedicated at St. David’s Cathedral on Sunday morning   before the 11 o’clock service by the Dean. It is a massive chest of artistic design in oak, having grapes and leaves carved in high relief. Round the base the lettering of the inscription is finely executed, and bears the following words: “To the glory of God and in memory of Ronald Dick, also K. E. Atkins, C. J. Atkins, and Arthur Atkins;” while on a   lower panel is the quotation, “To live  in hearts we leave behind is not to die.” The design and carving are the work   of Mrs. Payne, and quite worthy to find a place in our beautiful cathedral. The donor was Mrs. Ronald Dick.”

Mrs Ronald Dick was the Tasmanian author Charlotte Isabel Dick