Who was Nellie Payne?

Honour roll, St Andrew's Church, Westbury. Dedicated 1925.


Extract from:  A Short History of St. Andrew’s Church Westbury, Tasmania
On March 15th 1925, the Honour Roll of those of the parish who fought and died in the Great War was dedicated. I was unable to be present, but Mr. Morze very kindly wrote me the following description:
The Rectory,
6th March, 1925.
Dear Mrs. Payne,
You will be interested and pleased to know that the unveiling and dedication of the Honour Roll and Memorial by Mr. Bethune was very happily accomplished yesterday afternoon. All the arrangements went through without a hitch. The order of service was very simple, and proved most impressive. Our local Bandmaster, Mr. Collins sounded the “Last Post,” immediately after the Commemoration of the fallen. This was followed by a silence, then the hymn “How bright these glorious spirits shine.” Then Mr. Bethune went up into the pulpit, and gave a splendid address – simple and to the point. The church was filled from end to end with people from every denomination, as many more outside the church who couldn’t get in. Visitors came from Launceston, Hagley, Birralee, Fernbank, Exton and Deloraine, among them General and Mrs. Martin, Rev. and Mrs. Weld-Thomas, Tom and Jean were present. The old church hadn’t been so full for many a long day. All the returned soldiers available and the local band were there too. Everyone is grateful to you for your generous gift to the church. The beautiful work is universally admired.
Kind regards from us both,
Yours very sincerely,
F.R. Morze.

Daily Telegraph (Launceston, Tas. : 1883 – 1928), Saturday 7 March 1925, page 12

Daily Telegraph (Launceston, Tas. : 1883 – 1928), Tuesday 17 March 1925, page 5