Glenorchy State School Honour roll. Inscribed but not carved by Nellie Payne, 1927.
No photograph was able to be taken for the exhibition in 2015. However click here to go to Monuments Australia website to see the honour roll and for more information.
On occasion Nellie would be called upon to inscribe or paint the names on an honour roll but not do the carving. One such piece was the Glenorchy State School honour roll.
The Mercury , Monday 18 July 1927, page 2
The work of the Parents’ and Friends’ Association was much in evidence at the Glenorchy State-school on Saturday afternoon, when Arbor Day was observed, and a roll of honour was unveiled.
The function was organised by the association, the members of which have given a great deal of practical help in the way of clearing the seven acres of school ground since the building was officially opened at the end of March last. There were 32 trees planted and there was a large attendance of parents and friends. Included among these present were the Minister for Education (Hon. A. G. Ogilvie, K.C.) and Mrs. Ogilvie, Hon. L. M. Shoobridge, M.D.C., Sir John Evans and Mr. B. “Watkins, M.H.A., Archdeacon Richard, the Director of Education (Mr. G. V. Brooks), the Warden of Glenorchy (Councillor H. Inches), the Secretary for Education (Mr. R. H. Crawford), and other officers of the department.
More than 100 scholars were in attendance, and were grouped in their classes along the seven sections, there being a few trees in each section, which was in charge of a member of the association. The visitors were met by the headmaster (Mr. J. H. Goappen) and each planted the tree allotted, under the supervision of the person in charge of the particular section. Those in charge of the sections were Messrs. H. Carson (secretary of the association), T. T. Commune, H. Harley, A. J. Commune, F. Rayner, C. Gordon, and W. Low. It is also proposed to plant trees along the southern side of the school ground, and the association has in addition undertaken the work of making lawns and gravel paths in the vicinity of this building.
The unveiling, of the roll of honour took place in the senior class-room. The names of 49 old scholars are inscribed upon it and the words “In Memoriam” heads a list of 15 names of former pupils who died In the War. The board is of blackwood, with oak panelling, and the excellent carving was, done by Mrs. O’Rourke. and the inscriptions by Mrs. Payne. Through the personal efforts of members of the Parents’ and Friends’ Association the board has been installed at moderate cost.