Who was Nellie Payne?


Mirror carved for Mollie Field (niece). Date unknown.

Bookcase made for Nancy Field. Date carved unknown.

Shelf unit. Date carved – unknown

Cabinet. Date carved unknown.

Piano stool, St Michael’s Collegiate, Hobart. Date carved unknown.

Chair carved for Lindesay Clark. Date unknown.

Oak settle carved 1897.

Sideboard carved 1898. Probably for Payne family.

Settle for Richard Charles Field. Carved 1900.

Settle carved 1903 for Mrs Gibson.

Settle carved 1903 for Mrs Griffith.

“The Seasons” four panelled screen. Carved 1906

Settle carved 1906 for George. W. Field.

China cupboard carved 1907.

Bed carved by Ellen Nora Payne for herself. 1909.

Chair and framed photograph, Felsted School, Essex, England. Carved 1912.

Litany desk carved 1912. St. John’s Church, Launceston.

Small cupboard. Carved circa 1912.

Headmaster’s chair, Friends’ school, Hobart. Carved 1914.

Bookcase for Alan Field Payne. Carved 1915-1918.

Prayer desk, St Jame’s Church, Newtown. carved before 1916.

Headmaster’s memorial chair, Launceston Church Grammar School. Presented 1918.

Writing table carved in 1918 for Mrs Flexmore.

Memorial chair, St Michael’s Collegiate School, Hobart. Carved 1919.

Chair for St Michael’s Collegiate School. Carved 1919.

Field family sports cupboard, Launceston Church Grammar School. Carved 1924.

Blackwood Screen exhibited 1924, British Empire Exhibition, London.

Girl Guides chair and table, Foxlease, England. Carved 1924-26.

Alan Field Payne memorial bookcase, Hutchins School, Hobart. Carved 1929.

Headmaster’s chair, Hutchins School, Hobart. Carved 1932.

Headmistresses’ chair, St Michael’s Collegiate, Hobart. Carved 1939.

Prefects’ platform desk, St Michael’s Collegiate, Hobart. Carved 1941.

Two side chairs, St Michael’s Collegiate, Hobart. Carved 1943.

John Soundy memorial platform table, The Friends’ School, Hobart. Carved 1943.

Chair carved 1945 for Victoria League in memory of Alice Shepherd White.

President’s chair (carved 1952) and Presidents’ board (carved after WW1), Naval, Military, and Airforce Club, Hobart.