Who was Nellie Payne?

Walter family crest. Date of carving unknown.

Walter family crest. Date of carving unknown. DB198 Penelope Hey (née Robertson recollects “My paternal grandmother, Mrs Clarice Robertson (née Walter) was a very close lifelong friend of Madge Payne, hence the (dower) chest (DB118) and Aunt Madge (Payne) being chosen as my godmother. It also explains the carving of the Walter crest.

Picture frame. Date carved – unknown

Picture frame. Date unknown. Picture frame. DB211 This picture frame, carved by Nellie Payne,  was lent to the exhibition in 2015 but no further information is known. If you have anything further to add please get in touch with the Westbury and District Historical Society through the contact page

Carving tools.

Carving tools. DB159 With thanks to Penelope Hey.“Mrs Nellie Payne and Madge lived in Antill Street, South Hobart. Clarice Robertson and her family lived a short distance away on the corner of Davey and Darcy Streets.  They played bridge together, were on the same charitable committees, and visited each other frequently. I can remember going […]

Background to honour boards.

Background to honour boards. Excerpt from “Ellen Nora Payne-Woodcarver of Tasmania” by Russell Atkinson Chapter 11 Honour boards. THE LAST YEARS of the Great War and those which immediately followed were years of intense activity for Mrs. Payne, whose skilful hands were always busy. Her work was in constant demand, and at this time there […]