Who was Nellie Payne?

Memorial altar St Peter’s Church, Hamilton. Carved 1918.

Memorial altar St Peter’s Church, Hamilton. Carved 1918. DB130 Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 – 1954), Saturday 8 May 1920, page 8 A GALLANT TASMANIAN MAJOR HUTCHINSON’S DEATH. It will be remembered by the many friends of the Rev. Arthur Hutchinson, rector of the Hamilton parish, that his eldest son (Major Justin Hutchinson) fell in […]

Altar carved as a memorial to the Great War, St Raphael’s, Fern Tree, Hobart.

Altar carved as a memorial to the Great War, St Raphael’s, Fern Tree, Hobart Altar, St Raphael’s Church, Fern Tree. Close up brass plaque on altar. Close up altar. Close up altar, St Raphael’s Church, Fern Tree. Close up carving on Altar. DB207 There is no absolute evidence that this altar was carved by Nellie […]