Who was Nellie Payne?

Glamorgan Municipality, Tasmania. Honour roll unveiled 1954.

Glamorgan Municipality, Tasmania. Honour roll unveiled 1954. DB190 This World War 2 honour roll looks like it was carved by the same person as the WW1 honour roll, it is therefore assumed that Nellie has carved it, as it is recorded that she carved the WW1 roll. The other possibility is that someone else has […]

Honour roll, Glamorgan. Carved 1920.

Honour roll, Glamorgan. Carved 1920. DB34 This magnificent honour roll  resides at the East Coast Heritage Museum , Swansea, Tasmania. The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 – 1954), Wednesday 7 April 1920, page 5 GLAMORGAN SOLDIERS. HANDSOME HONOUR ROLL. Our Swansea correspondent writes – The Glamorgan honour board has been lately placed in the Council-chambers, Swansea by the […]