Chair for St Michael’s Collegiate School. Carved 1919.

Chair for St Michael’s Collegiate School. Carved 1919. Image from Nellie Payne’s scrapbook DB175 This chair was carved from blackwood by Nellie for Collegiate School to present to Bishop Reginald Stephen. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Reginald Stephen (1860–1956) was the Anglican Bishop of Tasmania from 1914 until 1919 and then the Bishop of Newcastle (New […]
Memorial chair, St Michael’s Collegiate School, Hobart. Carved 1919.

Memorial chair, St Michael’s Collegiate School, Hobart. Carved 1919. Katie Daniel memorial chair, Collegiate School, Hobart Close Up Memorial chair, Collegiate, Hobart DB54 This chair was carved in memory of Mrs Katie Daniels (née Woods), a former pupil. No more detail is known about this chair. If you have further information please contact Westbury and […]
Honour roll for Roberts & Co. Carved 1919, recarved 1920.

Honour roll for Roberts & Co. Carved 1919, recarved 1920. Roberts honour roll Roberts honour roll. Nellie’s note on back DB41 excerpt from Ellen Nora Payne-Woodcarver of Tasmania by Russell Atkinson “The cedar honour roll carved for Roberts & Co, Hobart had not been long installed in the offices of that firm when a fire […]
Honour roll, AMP Ltd. Carved 1919.

Honour roll, AMP Ltd. Carved 1919. DB40 As the AMP Society no longer have offices in Hobart, this Honour Roll is now housed at RSL headquarters in New Town. The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 – 1954), Saturday 2 August 1919, page 5 Excerpt from newspaper article A.M.P. SOLDIERS. UNVEILING AN HONOUR ROLL. ADDRESS BY […]
Honour roll, Kimberley. Carved 1919.

Honour roll, Kimberley. Carved 1919. Kimberley honour roll Kimberley honour roll close up detail left Kimberley honour roll close up detail right DB38 The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 – 1954), Tuesday 13 May 1919, page 3 SOLDIERS FROM KIMBERLEY. HONOUR ROLL UNVEILED. KIMBERLEY, May 11. In the presence of a large attendance yesterday afternoon […]