Who was Nellie Payne?

Honour roll, Clarence Municipality. Carved 1924.

Honour roll, Clarence Municipality. Carved 1924. Bellerive honour roll Close up Bellerive honour roll DB32 The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 – 1954), Saturday 1 December 1923, page 8CLARENCE SOLDIERS’ MEMORIAL.Mrs. Payne, of Antill Street, Hobart, has prepared a handsomely carved honour board for the Clarence soldiers’  memorial, which it is proposed to erect at the post […]

Alms box, St David’s Cathedral, Hobart. Carved 1923.

Alms box, St David’s Cathedral, Hobart. Carved 1923. St. David’s Cathedral, Hobart – alms box St. David’s Cathedral, Hobart – alms box front St. David’s Cathedral, Hobart – alms box inscription St. David’s Cathedral, Hobart – alms box close up DB16 The Mercury: Monday 26th March 1923, page 4“DEDICATION OF ALMS’ CHEST.An alms chest was […]

Honour roll, St Luke’s Church, Campbell Town, Tasmania. Carved 1923.

Honour roll, St Luke’s Church, Campbell Town, Tasmania. Carved 1923. Campbell Town Honour roll. Campbell Town honour roll close up St Luke. Campbell Town honour roll close up date. Close up army motif on Campbell Town honour roll. DB184 Daily Telegraph (Launceston, Tas. : 1883 – 1928), Wednesday 18 April 1923, page 2 ROLL OF […]

Perpetual shield carved in 1923 for Major John Askin Foster.

Perpetual shield carved in 1923 for Major John Askin Foster. No image available. DB181 Much time was spent trying to track this piece down and many thanks to the staff at Patterson Barracks, Launceston and those in Hobart who also helped. Unfortunately we were not successful. If you have anything further to add to this […]

Dower chest for Keva Allardyce. Carved 1923.

Dower chest for Keva Allardyce. Carved 1923. DB100 Katherine Angel Keva Allardyce was the daughter of Governor William Lamond Allardyce  and Lady Constance Angel Allardyce (née Green).  Allardyce was Governor of the Falkland Islands, Bahamas, then Tasmania from 1920-22, then Newfoundland. Keva was born in Suva, Fiji – hence her name. Keva married Charles Travers […]

Dower chest for Mollie (Mary) Field. Carved 1923.

Dower chest for Mollie (Mary) Field. Carved 1923. Dower chest for Mollie Field. Close up inscription inside lid Mollie Field’s dower chest. Inside lid of Mollie Field’s dower chest Close up Owl on Mollie Field’s dower chest. Close up Kookaburra on Mollie Field’s dower chest. DB93 Mollie Field was born in 1898 to George Westfield […]