Perpetual shield carved in 1923 for Major John Askin Foster.

Perpetual shield carved in 1923 for Major John Askin Foster. No image available. DB181 Much time was spent trying to track this piece down and many thanks to the staff at Patterson Barracks, Launceston and those in Hobart who also helped. Unfortunately we were not successful. If you have anything further to add to this […]
Dower chest for Keva Allardyce. Carved 1923.

Dower chest for Keva Allardyce. Carved 1923. DB100 Katherine Angel Keva Allardyce was the daughter of Governor William Lamond Allardyce and Lady Constance Angel Allardyce (née Green). Allardyce was Governor of the Falkland Islands, Bahamas, then Tasmania from 1920-22, then Newfoundland. Keva was born in Suva, Fiji – hence her name. Keva married Charles Travers […]
Dower chest for Mollie (Mary) Field. Carved 1923.

Dower chest for Mollie (Mary) Field. Carved 1923. Dower chest for Mollie Field. Close up inscription inside lid Mollie Field’s dower chest. Inside lid of Mollie Field’s dower chest Close up Owl on Mollie Field’s dower chest. Close up Kookaburra on Mollie Field’s dower chest. DB93 Mollie Field was born in 1898 to George Westfield […]
Blackwood fire guards. Carved 1922.

Blackwood fire guards. Carved 1922. No image available. DB187 Nellie carved a pair of these for her nephew Thomas Field’s wedding in 1922. Thomas lived at Westfield, Westbury. Daily Telegraph (Launceston, Tas. : 1883 – 1928), Saturday 17 December 1921, page 7 WEDDING BELLS FIELD— RITCHIE The marriage of Mr Thomas Ayton Field, elder son […]
Dower chest for Beatrice Agnew. Carved 1922.

Dower chest for Beatrice Agnew. Carved 1922. DB109 It is believed that this Dower chest was carved for Mrs Beatrice Agnew (nee Symonds) of Oatlands. Nellies scrapbook has a note saying “Louis Agnew”. We think this refers to Luis Lempriere Agnew of Oatlands, Tasmania who married Beatrice (Irene) in October 1922. The Mercury, Tasmania: Monday […]
World War One honour board, Hutchins School, Hobart. Carved 1922.

World War One honour board, Hutchins School, Hobart. Carved 1922. Hutchins Great War honour roll Hutchins honour roll close up Hutchins Great War honour roll in Nellie’s scrapbook DB45 Nellie carved this as a memorial to the 442 Hutchins boys who had enlisted for service in the 1914-18 War. It was unveiled in December 1922 […]
Plaque in memory of Sholto Blyth. Originally in St Michael’s Church, Kimberley, Now at Launceston Church Grammar School. Carved 1921.

Plaque in memory of Sholto Blyth. Originally in St Michael’s Church, Kimberley, now at Launceston Church Grammar School. Carved 1921. DB208 This piece was originally in St Michael’s church, Kimberley, Northern Tasmania, but has been moved to Launceston Church Grammar School, where he went to school, to join another memorial to Sholto, also carved by […]
Panel carved 1921, depicts the ship Emerald. ‘Gala Kirk’, Cranbrook, East Coast, Tasmania.

Panel carved 1921, depicts the ship Emerald. ‘Gala Kirk’, Cranbrook, East Coast, Tasmania. Panel carved for Gala Kirk at Cranbrook, Tasmania. Close up lettering on panel. Gala kirk, Cranbrook. Close up ship carved on panel. DB183 Kirk is a Scottish word meaning a church, or more specifically, the Church of Scotland. Adam Amos (1774-1845), pioneer […]
Dower chest for Dorothy Thomas née Field. Date carved circa 1921.

Dower chest for Dorothy Thomas née Field. Date carved circa 1921. No images available. DB95 There has been no image found for this dower chest and it’s whereabouts is unknown. If you have any further information regarding this dower chest please inform The Westbury and Districts Historical Society through the contact page. Dorothy Elizabeth Field […]
Mantelpiece and built in cupboard, Byron St, Hobart. Carved 1921.

Mantelpiece and built in cupboard, Byron St, Hobart. Carved 1921. Mantlepiece Byron St, Hobart Close up cupboard panel, Byron St, Hobart. Close up panel, mantlepiece, Byron St, Hobart. Initials detail mantlepiece, Byron St, Hobart. Close up bracket, mantlepiece, Byron St, Hobart. DB76, DB77 Nellie carved these pieces to decorate the lounge room when her son […]
Sholto Blyth plaque, Launceston Church Grammar School. Unveiled 1921.

Chair and framed photograph, Felsted School, Essex, England. Carved 1912. DB64 Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 – 1954), Monday 22 August 1921, page 4 SCHOOL MEMORIAL. At an evening service held for the boys of this Church Grammar School last night a beautifully carved tablet to the memory of S. E. Blyth, son of Sir. E. F. Blyth, M.H.A., […]
Cover of Visitors’ Book, Hutchins School, Hobart. Carved 1921.

Cover of Visitors’ Book, Hutchins School, Hobart. Carved 1921. DB53 No more detail is known about this piece. If you have further information please contact Westbury and Districts Historical Society through the contact page.
Cover of Prefects’ Book, Hutchins School, Hobart. Carved 1921.

Cover of Prefects’ Book, Hutchins School, Hobart. Carved 1921. DB52 This was re-bound in 1945 as a gift to the School by Head Prefect Charles Payne, grandson of Nellie Payne.- Margaret Mason-Cox – Hutchins archivist
Presentation address created in 1920 for HRH The Prince of Wales by the Tasmanian Cambrian Society.

Presentation address created in 1920 for HRH The Prince of Wales by the Tasmanian Cambrian Society. DB176 Advocate, Thursday 10 March 1921, page 1 EMBLEM OF THE LEEKPRESENTATION TO PRINCE OF WALESThe address presented to the Prince of Wales by the Tasmanian Cambrian Society, which, according to cable messages from London, is a feature of the […]
Casket created for the Prince of Wales. Carved 1920.

Casket created for the Prince of Wales. Carved 1920. No images could be found for this item. DB134 “Ellen Nora Payne – Woodcarver of Tasmania” by Russell Atkinson In 1920 there occurred another public event that gave her an opportunity to show her skill and ingenuity once again in her particular field. There was great […]
Chest for Philip Hudson. Carved 1920.

Chest for Philip Hudson. Carved 1920. DB112 Philip Burgoyne Hudson was born in Auckland, New Zealand on 6th February 1887 and died in 1952 at the age of 64. He was the son of Charles Hudson, Railway Commissioner of Victoria. As a child he attended Wellington College in New Zealand and moved to The Friends […]
Dower chest for Atkinson. Carved 1920.

Dower chest for Atkinson. Carved 1920. DB98 The Atkinson family were good friends with the Payne family in Hobart. Mr Thomas Reibey Atkinson (1844-1902) had married Edith Ella Toffl (1865-1955) in 1888. Mr Atkinson was a Legislative Council member from 1897-1902. They had 4 children – Thomas, Alan, Russell, and Alison. This chest may have […]
Roll of honour, Lower Barrington. Carved 1920.

Roll of honour, Lower Barrington. Carved 1920. DB43 Advocate (Burnie, Tas. : 1890 – 1954), Friday 28 May 1920, page 4 LOWER BARRINGTON. On Monday morning several parents and friends met at the State school to celebrate Empire Day and to witness the unveiling of a roll of honor for the Lower Barrington district. Speeches […]
Chair for St Michael’s Collegiate School. Carved 1919.

Chair for St Michael’s Collegiate School. Carved 1919. Image from Nellie Payne’s scrapbook DB175 This chair was carved from blackwood by Nellie for Collegiate School to present to Bishop Reginald Stephen. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Reginald Stephen (1860–1956) was the Anglican Bishop of Tasmania from 1914 until 1919 and then the Bishop of Newcastle (New […]
Memorial chair, St Michael’s Collegiate School, Hobart. Carved 1919.

Memorial chair, St Michael’s Collegiate School, Hobart. Carved 1919. Katie Daniel memorial chair, Collegiate School, Hobart Close Up Memorial chair, Collegiate, Hobart DB54 This chair was carved in memory of Mrs Katie Daniels (née Woods), a former pupil. No more detail is known about this chair. If you have further information please contact Westbury and […]
Honour roll for Roberts & Co. Carved 1919, recarved 1920.

Honour roll for Roberts & Co. Carved 1919, recarved 1920. Roberts honour roll Roberts honour roll. Nellie’s note on back DB41 excerpt from Ellen Nora Payne-Woodcarver of Tasmania by Russell Atkinson “The cedar honour roll carved for Roberts & Co, Hobart had not been long installed in the offices of that firm when a fire […]
Honour roll, AMP Ltd. Carved 1919.

Honour roll, AMP Ltd. Carved 1919. DB40 As the AMP Society no longer have offices in Hobart, this Honour Roll is now housed at RSL headquarters in New Town. The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 – 1954), Saturday 2 August 1919, page 5 Excerpt from newspaper article A.M.P. SOLDIERS. UNVEILING AN HONOUR ROLL. ADDRESS BY […]
Honour roll, Kimberley. Carved 1919.

Honour roll, Kimberley. Carved 1919. Kimberley honour roll Kimberley honour roll close up detail left Kimberley honour roll close up detail right DB38 The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 – 1954), Tuesday 13 May 1919, page 3 SOLDIERS FROM KIMBERLEY. HONOUR ROLL UNVEILED. KIMBERLEY, May 11. In the presence of a large attendance yesterday afternoon […]
Writing table carved in 1918 for Mrs Flexmore.

Writing table carved in 1918 for Mrs Flexmore. From Nellie Payne’s scrapbook DB174 The only information found up to 2015 is in Nellie’s scrapbook along with the photo. If you have anything further to add please get in touch with the Westbury and Districts Historical Society through the contacts page. Mrs Jane Louisa Marion Flexmore […]
Memorial altar St Peter’s Church, Hamilton. Carved 1918.

Memorial altar St Peter’s Church, Hamilton. Carved 1918. DB130 Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 – 1954), Saturday 8 May 1920, page 8 A GALLANT TASMANIAN MAJOR HUTCHINSON’S DEATH. It will be remembered by the many friends of the Rev. Arthur Hutchinson, rector of the Hamilton parish, that his eldest son (Major Justin Hutchinson) fell in […]
Lectern, St John’s Church, Franklin. Carved 1918.

Lectern, St John’s Church, Franklin. Carved 1918. Memorial lectern, St John’s Church, Franklin. Close up brass plaque, memorial lectern, St John’s Church, Franklin. From Nellie’s scrapbook. DB129 “Ellen Nora Payne – Woodcarver of Tasmania” by Russell Atkinson – page 72 “One of the most exquisitely wrought memorial pieces is a lectern in St John’s Church, […]
Memorial plaque, Church of St John the Baptist, Ouse. Carved 1918.

Memorial plaque, Church of St John the Baptist, Ouse. Carved 1918. DB128 “Ellen Nora Payne – Woodcarver of Tasmania” by Russell Atkinson, page 72 “Mrs Payne carved in 1918 a plaque for the Church of St John the Baptist at Ouse, Tasmania, in memory of Alexander Douglas Bethune, who had died at Walker’s Ridge, Gallipoli, […]
Dower chest for Katie Clark. Carved 1918.

Dower chest for Katie Clark. Carved 1918. DB111 Katie Clark was born in 1897 to Lindesay and Jessie Clark. Lindesay was the Mines Manager for Briseis Tin Mine at Derby in Northeast Tasmania. The family lived in Launceston and Katie went to Broadland House, followed by Collegiate School in Hobart for a couple of years. […]
Headmaster’s memorial chair, Launceston Church Grammar School. Presented 1918.

Headmaster’s memorial chair, Launceston Church Grammar School. Presented 1918. Headmaster’s chair, Launceston Church Grammar School Headmaster’s chair in Nellie’s scrapbook, Launceston Church Grammar School DB61 From Nellie Payne’s scrapbook:Memorial chair in walnut wood presented to the Launceston Church Grammar School 5th June 1918. At the top is the winged globe with Cobras, the most sacred […]
Henric Clarence Nicholas memorial font cover carved 1917. St John the Baptist Church, Ouse, Tasmania.

Henric Clarence Nicholas memorial font cover carved 1917. St John the Baptist Church, Ouse, Tasmania. DB173 The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 – 1954), Tuesday 5 September 1916, page 3 PERSONALA Hamilton, correspondent writes –On Friday, at St John Baptist Church, Ouse, a memorial service was held for the late Lance-Corporal Henric Clarence Nicholas, who gave his […]
Altar rails carved 1917 in memory of Sergeant Lindsay McRae (Max) Field. Erected St Michael’s Anglican Church, Kimberley, Tasmania.

Altar rails carved 1917 in memory of Sergeant Lindsay McRae (Max) Field. Erected St Michael’s Anglican Church, Kimberley, Tasmania. Altar rails, St Michael’s, Kimberley. Close up altar rails St Michael’s Church, Kimberley. Close up brass plaque, St Michael’s Church, Kimberley. DB172 The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 – 1954), Monday 30 April 1917, page 6 […]
Dower chest for Alicia Jane Whitesides. Carved 1917.

Dower chest for Alicia Jane Whitesides. Carved 1917. DB104 This is a dower chest which was carved by Nellie for Alicia Jane Whitesides who was born in 1849 and died in 1940. Alicia was Marie’s paternal auntie and sister of Edward J.C. Whitesides who had married Nellie’s sister Sara Jane Field. This chest has been […]
Westfield entrance hall panelling. Carved 1917.

Westfield entrance hall panelling. Carved 1917. Westfield hallway doors and panelling. Over door panel Westfield Close up devil grotesque. Mantlepiece in small sitting room, Westfield. DB80, DB81, DB82, DB83 Westfield was the place of Nellie’s birth near Westbury, Tasmania. “Ellen Nora Payne-Woodcarver of Tasmania” by Russell AtkinsonHer stay at Westfield helped, for she loved Westfield, […]
Prayer desk, St Jame’s Church, Newtown. carved before 1916.

Prayer desk, St Jame’s Church, Newtown. Carved before 1916. DB126 A new church was built in Newtown and a dedication service for the church and everything in it, including a prayer desk carved by Nellie, was held in September 1916. The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 – 1954), Tuesday 5 September 1916, page 3
Chest for Geoffrey Payne. Carved 1916.

Chest for Geoffrey Payne. Carved 1916. Chest for Geoffrey Payne. Inside of lid, chest for Geoffrey Payne. DB85 Geoffrey Payne was Nellie and Dr. Payne’s second child and elder son. He was born in 1890 in Hobart, prior to the family moving to Melbourne and then London. In England he firstly went to a local […]
Address book created 1915 for Queen Mary.

The “Queen Mary Book” – 1915 DB124 The Mercury, Wednesday 1 September 1915, page 4 THE “QUEEN MARY” BOOK. The “Queen Mary” book, which will shortly be forwarded to Her Majesty the Queen by His Excellency the Governor (Sir William Ellison-Macartney), was yesterday on view in the vestíbule at the Town-Hall. The idea originated with […]
Bookcase for Alan Field Payne. Carved 1915-1918.

Bookcase for Alan Field Payne. Carved 1915-1918. DB75 This bookcase is made from walnut timber and was designed and carved for Nellie’s son, Alan Field Payne. We assume it was carved whilst Alan (and his brother Geoffrey) were away at war. Nellie had something in common with all other mothers of sons serving with the […]
Dower chest for Miss Grace Dangar. Carved 1914.

Dower chest for Miss Grace Dangar. Carved 1914. Dower chest for Grace Dangar, lid open. Dower chest for Grace Dangar from Nellie’s scrapbook. DB97 Grace Gladys Dangar born 29/3/1886 in Singleton, NSW, died 27/7/1964 in Brisbane, Queensland. Father Albert Augustus Dangar, mother Mary Phoebe Dangar (née Rouse). Siblings Rodney R Dangar of Baroona, Norman N […]
Headmaster’s chair, Friends’ school, Hobart. Carved 1914.

Headmaster’s chair, Friends’ school, Hobart. Carved 1914. Headmaster’s chair, Friends’ School, hobart Close up detail, Headmaster’s chair, St Michael’s Collegiate, Hobart DB59 “Ellen Nora Payne – Woodcarver of Tasmania” by Russell Atkinson Soon after Alan entered the University, Mrs Payne decided to present a headmaster’s chair to the Friends High School, where Alan had won […]
Presentation address cover for Governor’s wife Lady Barron. Carved 1913.

Presentation address cover for Governor’s wife Lady Barron. Carved 1913. Image from Nellie Payne’s scrapbook DB171 Daily Post (Hobart, Tas. : 1908 – 1918), Friday 21 February 1913, page 5 NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN – THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE – PRESENTATION TO LADY BARRON The members of the Tasmanian branch of the National Council of Women […]
Casket for Bishop Mercer’s sisters. Carved circa 1913.

Casket for Bishop Mercer’s sisters. Carved circa 1913. No images available. DB123 When Bishop Mercer reached the end of his appointment in Hobart, the Women’s Council for Church Work, through Lady Ellison Macartney, wife of the Governor, made a presentation to the Misses Mercer, the Bishops sisters. It was an address contained in a casket […]
Dower chest for Madge Payne. Carved 1913.

Dower chest for Madge Payne. Carved 1913. Dower chest for Madge Payne. Close up front dower chest. Close up inscription. DB86 Madge was Nellie and Dr Payne’s only daughter, and the eldest of their children, being born in 1888 in Hobart. Later the family moved to Melbourne, then London, where Madge went to Blackheath High […]
Small cupboard. Carved circa 1912.

Small cupboard. Carved circa 1912. Small cupboard. DB210 The existence of this lovely cupboard had only been discovered by the Nellie Payne committee just before the exhibition in 2015. Thanks go to Tasmanian Historical Research Association members, Ken and Ann, who “found” this piece with its current owner Collin Campbell. They then kindly transported it […]
Litany desk carved 1912. St. John’s Church, Launceston.

Litany desk carved 1912. St. John’s Church, Launceston. Litany desk, St John’s Church, Launceston. Close up carvings, St John’s Church, Launceston. Detail on side of Litany desk, St John’s Church, Launceston. Close up brass plaque. DB170 Examiner Saturday 27 April 1912, page 7 A beautifully carved Litany desk, made of Tasmanian oak at the establishment […]
Dower chest for Marie Whitesides. Carved 1912.

Marie’s dower chest. Stringy bark apple design (2nd Niece). Carved 1912 DB103 This is a dower chest which was carved by Nellie for Marie Whitesides. Marie was born in 1890 to Sara Jane (née Field) and Edward J.C. Whitesides; therefore she was Nellie’s niece. Marie married Charles Davies in 1913, gave birth to a daughter […]
Chair and framed photograph, Felsted School, Essex, England. Carved 1912.

Chair and framed photograph, Felsted School, Essex, England. Carved 1912. Chair, Felsted School, Essex, England. Chair inscription, Felsted School, Essex, England Chair close up shield, Felsted School, Essex, England Framed photograph, Felsted School, Essex, England. DB65, DB66 “Ellen Nora Payne – Woodcarver of Tasmania” by Russell Atkinson Both of Nellie’s sons attended Felsted in Essex […]
Leather cover address book presented to Canon Shoobridge. Created 1911.

Leather cover address book presented to Canon Shoobridge. Created 1911. No images available. DB122 “Ellen Nora Payne – Woodcarver of Tasmania” by Russell Atkinson – page 55 “The retirement of Canon Shoobridge from Holy Trinity church after thirty-five years as rector, gave her an opportunity to display once more her skill as a worker in […]
Firescreen carved 1910.

Firescreen carved 1910. Firescreen carved 1910. Firescreen close up date. Firescreen close up kookaburra on leather. Firescreen close up gumnuts. DB169 This firescreen is made of blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon) and leather.It was donated to the Queen Victoria Museum in Launceston in 2000 by Thomas Field.We acknowledge the assistance of QVMAG and John Leeming for the […]
Dower chest for Ella Field. Carved 1910.

Dower chest for Ella Field. Carved 1910. DB91 Ella Field was the first of Nellie’s nieces to be married, and Nellie carved her first dower chest to mark this occasion. Circular Head Chronicle Wednesday 22 November 1911, page 2 NEWS OF THE WEEK Mr Fred. W. Ratten, of Union Bank, son of the Rev. and […]
Bed carved by Ellen Nora Payne for herself. 1909.

Bed carved in 1909 by Ellen Nora Payne for herself. Nellie’s bed. Close up bed carved date. Close up carvings at head of bed. Close up bed knob. Close up carvings at foot of bed. DB204 It was only a couple of weeks before the exhibition in 2015 that we found out that Nellie had […]
China cupboard carved 1907.

China cupboard carved 1907. China cupboard carved 1907 Close up label back of china cupboard, carved 1907. DB67 “Ellen Nora Payne – Woodcarver of Tasmania” by Russell Atkinson1975, pg. 47 & 49, Chapter 7 “Safe Bind, Safe Find” Back at her old home, Westfield, again, Mrs Payne soon settled down to her woodcarving, her mind filled […]
Settle carved 1906 for George. W. Field.

Settle carved 1906 for George. W. Field. DB133 Nellie carved this settle for one of her brothers, George Westfield Field (1862-1935) who married Ethel Archer. They had 8 children. Atkinson says “The design on the back of this settle was unusually elaborate and graceful, and the legend it bore was ‘Home Keeping Hearts are Happiest’”
“The Seasons” four panelled screen. Carved 1906

“The Seasons” four panelled screen – 1906 “The Seasons” four panelled screen. Close up Crocus embroidery. Close up Blackberry embroidery. Close up Briar Rose embroidery. Close up leather detail. DB73 “Ellen Nora Payne: Woodcarver of Tasmania” by Russell Atkinson, 1975, pg. 51 One piece which all members of the family were proud to point out […]
Settle carved 1903 for Mrs Griffith.

Settle carved 1903 for Mrs Griffith. DB132 Unfortunately we have very little information on this piece of Nellie’s work. The only thing we know is that Nellie carved a settle for Mrs Griffith of Albury, N.S.W. in 1903. The reason we know this is that there is a photograph of it in Nellie’s photo book […]
Settle carved 1903 for Mrs Gibson.

Settle carved 1903 for Mrs Gibson. DB131 This settle has the letters “WG” on the left front of the chest part of the settle which is the monogram of William Gibson of “Scone”. Mrs Gibson was Elvina Beaumont Grubb prior to her marriage to William Gibson. They had a son Ernest William Gibson and 2 […]
Painting – “A quiet Surrey pool”, presented to Westbury Municipal Council. Painted 1901.

Painting – “A quiet Surrey pool”, presented to Westbury Municipal Council. Painted 1901. No images available. DB121 “Ellen Nora Payne Woodcarver of Tasmania” by Russell Atkinson One of Mrs. Payne’s most successful paintings was a copy she made of a picture called “A Quiet Surry Pool” which Sir James Agnew (Premier of Tasmania 1886-1887) owned. […]
Settle for Richard Charles Field. Carved 1900.

Settle for Richard Charles Field. Carved 1900. DB120 This settle was carved for Richard Charles Field (1866-1961), Nellie’s younger brother.
Sideboard carved 1898. Probably for Payne family.

Sideboard carved 1898. Probably for Payne family. DB142 Apart from the year it was carved there is no further information. It is supposed that it was carved for the Payne family home. If you have any further information on this piece please get in touch with the Westbury and Districts Historical Society through the contact […]
Framed needlework stitched 1847 by Elizabeth Field.

Framed needlework stitched 1847 by Elizabeth Field. DB161 This piece of framed needlework was stitched by one of Nellie’s older sisters, Elizabeth (known as Lizzie) who was born in 1853 and died in 1920. She married Charles Easton and they had no children. It was worked by Lizzie in 1847 when she was just 16 […]
Chair carved for Lindesay Clark. Date unknown.

Chair carved for Lindesay Clark. Date unknown. Lindesay Clark chair. Close up back chair. Details of carvings. DB192 It is not known exactly which Lindesay Clark this chair was carved for – Lindesay Colvin Clark or his son Gordon Colvin Lindesay Clark (1896-1986). However family descendants can remember the chair in the family home at […]